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Xi’An 西安 – lively city !
Xi'An is the provincial capital of ShaanXi, central China. August 13th 2016 : high heat alert - over 40C is seriously hot so take plenty of water (and some salty food). Xi'An is one of the oldest cities in China and was known as Chang'An prior to the Ming dynasty. Indeed, Xi'An is the oldest of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China, having held this position under several of the most important dynasties in Chinese history, including the Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui and Tang. Xi'An was the eastern starting point of the ancient Silk Road trade route. Xi'An is also home to the Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang, who became China's first emperor after the Qin (dynasty: 220 to 210 BC) conquered / unified all of the other Warring States. Rather than maintain the title of 'king' borne by the previous Shang and Zhou rulers, he created the title of 'emperor' (皇帝, HuángDì), which would continue to be borne by Chinese rulers for the next two millennia.
End stress, anxiety, depression and negativity, and change your life – don’t miss it
One hour - watch it all, it really could change your life (it tells you how, and it's easy). Feel helpless, unhappy or lost ? You can change, and be the real you. How to become the adult in the room (let go of all the nonsense we carry over from childhood and those insecurities). By acting the way you want to be, ignoring the conditioned feelings that get in the way. Stop feeling down, and start being great. One cannot wait till one feels like it; that will never happen; get started by acting the way you want life to be. Stop feeling hurt and start acting with love. It's not about realising the fantasies we currently live by (intellectually), but acting to get real in life. When you stop being who you are, you can become who you should be. The voice in your head that knows all this - that voice is who you really are. Ignore the feelings from the past, and start really living in the present. Biggest regret of so many will be that they didn't live the life that they should have, didn't be who they really were. With Mel Robbins and Mark Hyman ...
Planning war on China – part 12
An example of how the western MSM (main stream media) tries to convince you of their lies (hate). The real aim is to destroy the Chinese economy. In reality, it is the viewers who are being coerced / exploited. Mind control is controlling what one 'knows'. Demonisation of the 'other' is the first act of war. All about hegemony - colonialism rebranded as 'freedom and democracy'. With Daniel Dumbrill and Brian Berletic, dissecting what you are supposed to believe ... Because truth is sacred. Ben Norton of the Moderate Rebels on Intersectional Imperialism ...
28 great days in China 中国 !
7,000 kilometers of backpacking to 14 locations ...
Blue sky BeiJing 北京
[May 15th 2017] Heat-wave ahead ! Summer is hotting up in BeiJing this week - into the high 30s C (90s F in old money). Keep cool (keep hydrated), be cool (sensible, giving and creative), keep in touch (we love your feedback and input), and above all - love life (live more; BE love) ... Like our site ? - help us with a donation. Something to share ? - your own film or something you like - let us know ! To have and to be - huh ? The two big verbs - to have and to be ... Thinking through this seemingly abstract concept could change your life, for the better. Two very different ways to live; or rather - really live or not really live. To have is good, to a point; but can be a holding onto more than we really need, and a baggage of the past dragged into the future that prevents us living in the real now. For what we 'have' is not just physical stuff - it is also the clutter and beliefs in our mind. To be, is to live, free of the past and all that we 'have' (and 'know'). Live more ... be more ... Listen less (to others and beliefs), and look more (and think more, based on what is, not on what you have heard). Someone once said that to love is much better than to be loved; to give so much better than to receive (have); and so it is with to have and to be ... To be is the way. Everything taken, comes to an end. Everything given ripples through time for an eternity. To ask for nothing, and give all - that is love. To be, not to have. ~~~ You might like to read Erich Fromm's To Have or To Be, and The Art of Love, which also explore this concept, and is essentially what the Buddha told us. Easy read; concise and potent. Also good reading : Jiddhu Krishnamurthi - for example, Commentaries on Living (three easy read volumes), and Alan Watts - for example, The Way of Zen.
A trip to the Hakka TuLou in FuJian province
The Hakka Tulou are unique, fortress-like buildings located in the mountainous areas of Fujian Province. These large, circular or rectangular earthen structures were built by the Hakka people, an ethnic group known for their migratory history. The Tulou are notable for their communal living spaces, defensive features, and remarkable architectural design. Who are the Hakka People? The Hakka are a subgroup of the Han Chinese, known for their migratory history and resilience. Originating from northern China, the Hakka migrated southwards over several centuries, settling in the mountainous regions of southern China. The name "Hakka" means "guest people," reflecting their history of migration and settlement in new areas. Hakka culture places a strong emphasis on education, family unity, and community cooperation. Despite facing hardships and displacement, the Hakka have maintained their unique cultural identity and traditions. Historical and Cultural Background Origins and History The construction of Tulou began during the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and continued through the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1912) Dynasties. These buildings were designed to provide protection and communal living for large families or clans, often housing up to 80 families in a single Tulou. Cultural Significance The Tulou reflect the Hakka people's need for security and their communal lifestyle. The buildings are designed to be self-sufficient, with living quarters, storage areas, and defensive structures all incorporated into the design. The Hakka culture values family unity, and the Tulou are a physical manifestation of this principle. Architectural Features Design and Structure Tulou are typically large, multi-storied structures built with thick earthen walls that provide insulation and protection. The outer walls are made from rammed earth, mixed with stone, bamboo, and wood, making them extremely durable. The interiors are organized around a central courtyard, with rooms for living, storage, and communal activities. Defensive Capabilities The design of the Tulou includes defensive features such as narrow windows and a single, reinforced entrance. These elements were intended to protect the inhabitants from bandits and wild animals. The circular shape of many Tulou also allows for effective communication and defense within the building. Communal and Social Aspects Living Arrangements The Tulou were built to house entire clans, with each family having its own designated area within the structure. The central courtyard served as a communal space for social activities, celebrations, and meetings. This layout fostered a strong sense of community and cooperation among the inhabitants. Self-Sufficiency The Tulou were designed to be self-sufficient, with areas designated for food storage, livestock, and agricultural activities. This self-sufficiency was essential, as the Tulou were often located in remote, mountainous areas where resources needed to be carefully managed. UNESCO World Heritage Status Recognition In 2008, several Fujian Tulou were inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This recognition highlights their architectural uniqueness, cultural significance, and historical importance. The Tulou are considered outstanding examples of communal living and defensive architecture. Conservation Efforts Efforts to preserve the Tulou focus on maintaining the traditional construction techniques and protecting the buildings from modern threats such as tourism pressure and environmental degradation. These efforts aim to ensure that the Tulou remain a living part of Hakka culture. Conclusion The Hakka Tulou are extraordinary structures that embody the resilience, ingenuity, and communal spirit of the Hakka people. These architectural marvels continue to stand as a testament to the Hakka's ability to adapt and thrive in challenging environments. As both historical treasures and vibrant communities, the Tulou attract visitors from around the world, offering a glimpse into a unique way of life. With How To Do? In China ...
Study abroad : in ChengDu 成都
SiChuan province in south-west China ...
The beautiful art of Chinese calligraphy
Li River 漓江 cruise, GuangXi province – video
Guilin to YangShuo ...

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