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The Solana Lifestyle Shopping Park 蓝色港湾, Beijing
Located adjacent to the the north west corner of the massive, and feature packed, ChaoYang Park in east Beijing. There are more than 600 famous retail stores, more than 30 restaurants, over 20 waterfront bars, the Saga Cinema, the All-Star ice skating club plus large KTV complexes with private rooms. By day and night, there is something for everybody ...
Snow fall at the Forbidden City, BeiJing
Bonus film - ZhongShan Park ...
Aerial view of the beautiful LaoJunShan Mountain 老君山
Near LuoYang, provincial capital of HeNan, central China. There is a LaoZi Cultural Park near the foot of the mountain and a cable car is available to reach the top. The ancient sage LaoZi (in modern PinYin though one will still also see Lao-Tse or Lao-Tzu) who started Daoism (Taoism) and authored the Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching), is said to have gained inspiration here around 550 BC. The Dao (道) which roughly translates as 'the way', in the sense of how things are, is a concept that existed in Chinese thought many centuries before LaoZi, but it was LaoZi who developed the concept considerably. Wu Wei (無爲), literally "non-action" or "not acting", is a central concept of the DaoDeJing. The concept of wu wei is multi-faceted, and reflected in the words' multiple meanings, even in English translation; it can mean "not doing anything", "not forcing", "not acting" in the theatrical sense, "creating nothingness", "acting spontaneously", and "flowing with the moment / 'here and now'". It is a concept used to explain ZiRan (自然), or harmony with the Dao. LaoZi used the term broadly with simplicity and humility as key virtues, often in contrast to selfish action. On a political level, it means avoiding such circumstances as war, harsh laws and heavy taxes. The 'ruler' can also refer to the 'self'. There is an overlap here with the Buddha's teachings that suffering stems from attachments and desires, ultimately to the notion of a separate self. In Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang (陰陽 YīnYáng, "dark—light") describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. While duality is found in many belief systems, Yin and Yang are parts of a Oneness that is also equated with the Dao. Yin and yang can be thought of as complementary (rather than opposing) forces that interact to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the assembled parts; it is a holistic view. Everything has both yin and yang aspects, though either of the two major aspects may manifest more strongly in a particular object, depending on the criterion of the observation. Yin and Yang is a balance between two seeming opposites with a portion of the opposite element in each. Some of LaoZi's famous sayings include: "When goodness is lost, it is replaced by morality." "Without Darkness, there can be no Light." "The usefulness of a pot comes from its emptiness." "The best people are like water, which benefits all things and does not compete with them. It stays in lowly places that others reject. This is why it is so similar to the Way." "When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad." "Try to change it and you will ruin it. Try to hold it and you will lose it." "Those who know do not say. Those who say do not know." "When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you." "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." "A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving." "Music in the soul can be heard by the universe." "A journey of a thousand miles starts under one's feet." "The more that laws and regulations are given prominence, the more thieves there will be." Alan Watts - 'The Daoist Way' ...
BeiJing 北京 food tour – mmm …
With the Food Ranger, Trevor James, featuring ChuChu ...
China’s watermelon season begins …
With DianXi XiaoGe ... Bonus films - mandarin oranges ... Grapes ... Plums ...
First impressions of ShangHai
A weekend in ShangHai with FunFancie ... Bonus film - a day in ShangHai, with yuyusai ... Bonus film - with mabelevollove ...
A trip to ErHai Lake, DaLi, YunNan province
With JHMedium ... Bonus film - cycling by the lake : with Yin's Eye ... XiZhou - with Wander in ChengDu ... ShuangLang ancient town - with Noah Kartha ...
Walking the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China
ShangHai night walk in the new Fashion Street
ShangHai Silent Rainy Night Walk Tour in Brand New Fashion Lane 宁静的雨夜漫步在上海时尚新地标“今潮8弄”文艺街区|四川北路新面貌 “The Fashion Lane 8” is located on SiChuan North Road, HongKou District, ShangHai. 66 old buildings distributed in 8 old-fashioned lanes are completely preserved here. This is a gorgeously transformed old alley. Each space has its own historical story, allowing tourists to feel the deep history and culture. It is also a good place for people to feel nostalgic. There are various art exhibitions & shows, specialty restaurants, coffee shops and individual bars, which have injected a lot of fresh vitality into the old buildings. 今潮8弄位于上海虹口区的四川北路,这里完整保留了分布在8条老式里弄内的66幢老建筑,这是经过华丽变身的老弄堂,每一处空间都有各自的历史故事,让游客感受到浓浓的历史人文气息,也是人们怀旧的一个好地方。这里有各种文艺展览和演出,特色餐厅,咖啡店和个性酒吧,给老建筑注入了许多新鲜活力。 With Wei's Travel ...

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