Amazing JiLin 吉林 province

North east China. The capital is ChangChun.

An awesome film ...

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Highlights of the closing ceremony of the 26th Universiade, ShenZhen 深圳
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Cancer as a metabolic disease – 2
With Dr Thomas Seyfried ... Our research of pubmed over the years has found four natural extracts that limit glutamine use by cancer cells : curcumin, green tea extract (inc. EGCG), quercetin and berberine. I would add a fifth for other reasons : sulphoraphane. All have effects on multiple pathways, such as preventing angiogenesis. Ideally one would be working with a skilled doctor, but as a rough guide, large doses would be needed; up to 20 of each per day; so capsules emptied into water would be best; build up over time. Plus zero carbs, low protein (to promote autophagy - hopefully tumor shrinkage; eg 3 egg yolks) and time restricted eating. And fresh air walks. The '100 diet' : * curcumin * green tea extract * quercetin * berberine * sulphoraphane Probably best taken with a meal (e.g. leafy greens) drizzled with MCT, coconut or Extra Virgin olive oils. Add a few tablespoons of Hemp Seed Oil for extra effect (CBD).
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