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Planning war on China – part 37 – Don’t miss it !!
With The New Atlas - Inflection - Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ... Bonus film - with Mark Sleboda - don't miss this either ...
The LeShan 乐山 Giant Buddha
The world's largest ancient statue. Near LeShan city in SiChuan province.
Beautiful scenes from the outdoor show ‘Liu SanJie’ 刘三姐
YangShuo, GuangXi province.
Garland Nixon on US policy – Don’t miss it
Western 'freedom' is a system where the majority will be poor, to pay for spreading that 'freedom' worldwide. Bonus film : War is Peace - with Neutrality Studies ...
China 中国 trips 2013 (3)
Night walk in LiuYang city, HuNan province
With Walk East ...
China’s new 600 kph maglev rail, and what it means for Belt & Road partners
A day trip to the Summer Palace 頤和園 in BeiJing
Filmed in November 2011.
China 中国 in timelapse – video
ShangHai, BeiJing and Hong Kong ...

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