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Cook at home – MaPo DoFu and Kung Pao Chicken
With Souped Up Recipes ... Bonus film - the most essential everyday ingredients / flavorings ...
Something different – Bach cello music
The Great Wall 长城 of China Marathon
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BeiJing 北京 trip, in September – video
The beautiful blue-sky city ...
Tang Dynasty music and dance show, Xi’An 西安
ShaanXi province.
1921 – 2021 : 100 years of the CPC …
Bonus film - China Celebrates its Rise from Humiliated Colony to Global Power with The New Atlas ...
The DaMing Palace of the Tang dynasty 唐朝大明宫 – documentary
The DaMing Palace, 'Palace of Great Brilliance', was the imperial palace complex of the Tang dynasty (618 - 907 AD), located in its capital Chang'An. This palace served as the residence of the Tang emperors for more than 220 years. Today, it is designated as a National Heritage Site. The area of the remains is located northeast of Xi'An, ShaanXi province.
ShangHai Expo gardens walk
With Wei's Travel ...
Chinese New Year CCTV Festival Flashback 2017
Yes, we're still alive ; )

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