The beautiful gardens, temples and canals of SuZhou 苏州

SuZhou lies in JiangSu province, north of ShangHai. It is the cradle of Wu culture ...

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JiangSu map

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A short story for the Chinese New Year. The Spring Festival is about a new year, a new beginning. A time of renewal, and hope and a fresh start, a time of good-will. For example, fireworks, apart from being a joy to all, are to scare away bad spirits. One can see this symbolize the breaking of old habits of thought - a spring clean of the mind. A new year is a new chance for a better life - if you will take it. Keep your eyes open, heart abundant, and strive for a better world. Help others on their journey whenever you can and always share a smile. It may help another, but it will certainly be good for you. Someday, even the mountains will be gone. But right now we are alive, and we can make a difference. When faced with bad-will, take it on the chin and return only affection. It might leave a seed for the future; at least, it will not get you down. As the film says, yes, it is love that brings us closer to happiness ... Above all, the Spring Festival is a time for family. And ultimately, we are all sisters and brothers breathing the same air ...
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Beautiful Mount EMei (EMeiShan 峨眉山) from the air
The first Buddhist temple in China was constructed here in SiChuan province in the 1st century A.D. The addition of other temples has turned Éméi Shān into one of Buddhism's holiest sites and is one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains of China. All in all, there are now seventy six Buddhist temples and monasteries, most of them located near the mountain top. The first two films focus on the most well-known - the Golden Summit and the 48 meters tall statue of Samantabhadra, known in Mandarin as PǔXián PúSà 普賢菩薩.
An introduction to GuiZhou province
With MeetWorld ... GuiZhou Province visitor guide Overview GuiZhou Province, located in the southwestern part of China, is known for its stunning karst landscapes, rich ethnic diversity, and vibrant cultural heritage. The province is a treasure trove of natural beauty and cultural experiences, offering visitors a chance to explore everything from ancient villages to breathtaking mountains and rivers. Natural Attractions HuangGuoShu Waterfall Location: Anshun City. Highlights: One of the largest waterfalls in China, HuangGuoShu Waterfall is a spectacular sight with its powerful cascades and scenic surroundings. Visitors can explore the waterfall from various viewpoints and even walk behind it for a unique perspective. Fanjing Mountain Location: Tongren City. Highlights: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Fanjing Mountain is renowned for its unique rock formations, diverse flora and fauna, and spiritual significance. The Red Cloud Golden Summit and the Mushroom Stone are must-see landmarks. Libo Karst Forest Location: Libo County. Highlights: Part of the South China Karst UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Libo Karst Forest features stunning karst landscapes, lush forests, and crystal-clear rivers. The area is ideal for hiking and exploring unique geological formations. Ethnic Villages and Cultural Experiences Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village Location: Leishan County. Highlights: The largest Miao village in China, Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village offers a deep dive into Miao culture with traditional stilt houses, vibrant festivals, and daily folk performances. It's a perfect place to experience Miao customs and hospitality. Langde Miao Village Location: Leishan County. Highlights: Known for its well-preserved wooden houses and rich cultural heritage, Langde Miao Village offers visitors a chance to witness traditional Miao crafts, such as embroidery and silverwork, and participate in cultural activities. Zhaoxing Dong Village Location: Liping County. Highlights: One of the largest Dong villages in China, Zhaoxing Dong Village is famous for its Drum Towers, Wind and Rain Bridges, and traditional wooden architecture. The village is known for its Dong singing and dance performances. Outdoor Activities Hiking and Trekking GuiZhou offers numerous trails for hiking and trekking enthusiasts. From the karst landscapes of Libo to the sacred peaks of Fanjing Mountain, there are trails suitable for all levels of hikers. Rafting and Boating The rivers and lakes of GuiZhou provide excellent opportunities for rafting and boating. The Wujiang River and the Dragon King Cave area are popular spots for water-based activities. Local Cuisine GuiZhou cuisine is known for its bold and spicy flavors, often incorporating sour and fermented ingredients. Some must-try dishes include: **Sour Fish Soup**: A tangy and spicy fish soup that is a local favorite. **Guizhou-style Hot Pot**: Featuring a variety of meats and vegetables cooked in a spicy broth. **Miao Sour Soup Fish**: A traditional Miao dish with a unique sour flavor. **Sticky Rice Cakes**: A popular snack made from glutinous rice and various fillings. Accommodation GuiZhou offers a wide range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels in major cities like Guiyang to traditional guesthouses in ethnic villages. Staying in a local guesthouse provides a more authentic experience and a chance to interact with the local people. Travel Tips Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit GuiZhou is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild and pleasant. Getting There: GuiZhou is accessible by air, with Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport serving as the main gateway. The province is also well-connected by train and bus. Respect Local Customs: When visiting ethnic villages, be respectful of local customs and traditions. Always ask for permission before taking photos of people. Pack Accordingly: Bring comfortable walking shoes, a light jacket for cooler evenings, and rain gear if visiting during the rainy season.
Cyrus Janssen on China

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