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US hegemony – in south and central America, and the encirclement / ‘containment’ of China
YT comment : "If America really does not want to contain China, why would they build so many military bases around China and constantly instigate chaos either in China or in the countries around it?" Geo-politics explained - don't miss it ... Bonus film - Cuba's Ambassador : 6 Decade-Long US Embargo is a Genocidal Policy! Plus, western subversion of Cuba, China, and more ...
Martin Jacques on China’s rise / return
In China, the people are family. In the West, the people are merely livestock. As simple as that. As profound as that. Competence and success is the real 'threat'. The old colonial powers are less than 10% of the world's population, yet still clamber to be its master, putting everyone else down, by economic and political sabotage, subversion, proxy wars, etc. 100 years of great shame. If democracy means anything real, the majority of the world must be allowed to have its say, be allowed to grow, be allowed to be. The US imperialist hegemony empire doesn't have 'allies', only slaves, and sees the rest of the world as its plantation. The sheep (Ukraine, Australia, UK, Europe, Taiwan, Japan, S. Korea..) are encouraged to worry about wolves all their lives, but in the end are eaten up by the shepherd. Don't these countries realise that they are possessed, militarily and psychologically. From 2013 (and still true today) ... Bonus film - with Jeffrey Sachs ... With Garland Nixon ...
SanYa 三亚 holiday, HaiNan
Beautiful TianJin 天津 night views
Featuring the shopping street of BinJiang Dao. TianJin municipality lies on the coast, just over an hour south east from Beijing by high speed train.
The beautiful Summer Palace 頤和園 in BeiJing – slideshow video
A great film by ...
Planning war on China – part 24
Neither Russia nor China are warmongers, neither seek some kind of world domination, only protection; hegemony is very much only a fantasy of the West (the neo-feudal elites, not the people). If either did not assist the other in time of war, they would go down soon after. Russia has the nukes, China has the manpower and manufacturing. Only together can they withstand the imminent war. On Roosevelt's notion of economic freedom - with The Gravel Institute ... Meanwhile ...
A robot staffed Geely car factory – tour
Completely random bonus film - a Halloween party at an international school ... And one more ...
Lantern Show, ShenZhen, GuangDong province
With Walking Vincent ...
China 中国 trip, BeiJing, ShangHai, Xi’An, GuiLin – don’t miss it
With MyWorldAt5feet ... Bonus film - diabolo around China ...

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