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QianMen 前门, BeiJing 北京
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The DaMing Buddhist temple, YangZhou, JiangSu province
With China Walking Tour ... The DaMing Temple (大明寺) in YangZhou, JiangSu province, is a renowned Buddhist temple with a rich history dating back over a thousand years. It is one of the key cultural and historical landmarks in YangZhou and holds significant importance in Chinese Buddhist heritage. Here is more information about the DaMing Temple: History and Origins: Establishment: The DaMing Temple was originally built during the Southern Dynasties period in the 5th century AD, making it one of the oldest temples in Jiangsu province. Significance: It was initially established by the ruler of the Liang Dynasty, Emperor Wu, as a center for Buddhist teachings and practices. Architectural Features: Main Hall (Mahavira Hall): The temple's main hall is the Mahavira Hall (大雄宝殿), a grand and majestic structure that enshrines statues of Buddha and other important figures in Buddhism. Pagoda: The temple complex also includes a historic pagoda, known as the Yunyan Pagoda (云岩塔), which is a designated national treasure and an iconic symbol of Yangzhou. Cultural Heritage: Influence: Throughout its history, the DaMing Temple has played a pivotal role in the development of Buddhist culture, attracting scholars, monks, and pilgrims from across China and beyond. Renowned Monks: The temple has been associated with several influential Buddhist monks and scholars, contributing to the spread of Buddhism and the exchange of knowledge. Attractions and Highlights: Yunyan Pagoda: The pagoda within the temple grounds is a must-visit attraction, offering panoramic views of Yangzhou from its upper levels. Historic Artifacts: The DaMing Temple houses various Buddhist artifacts, scriptures, and relics, providing insights into the region's religious and cultural heritage. Modern Significance: Cultural Site: Today, the DaMing Temple remains an active Buddhist temple and a popular destination for tourists, scholars, and pilgrims interested in exploring China's Buddhist traditions. Tourist Destination: Visitors can immerse themselves in the serene atmosphere of the temple complex, admire its architecture, and learn about its historical significance. Location: Address: DaMing Temple, No. 1 Taicheng Road, Hanjiang District, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. The DaMing Temple in Yangzhou stands as a testament to China's enduring Buddhist legacy and serves as a living link to the region's ancient past. Its blend of architectural beauty, cultural heritage, and spiritual significance makes it a captivating destination for travelers seeking to explore Jiangsu's historical treasures.
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A guide to the magnificent Forbidden City (Palace Museum) in BeiJing
With Lulu's Daily In China ... Welcome to the Forbidden City Explore the imperial palace and ancient architecture of the Forbidden City in Beijing. Introduction The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, is a vast imperial palace complex in Beijing, China. It served as the home of emperors and their households, as well as the ceremonial and political center of the Chinese government for almost 500 years. Location The Forbidden City is located in the Dongcheng District in the heart of Beijing, directly north of Tiananmen Square. History The construction of the Forbidden City began in 1406 and was completed in 1420. It was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty, housing 24 emperors. The complex covers 72 hectares (178 acres) and consists of 980 surviving buildings with 8,886 rooms. In 1925, the Forbidden City was transformed into the Palace Museum, showcasing extensive collections of artwork and artifacts from the imperial collections of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. Attractions Meridian Gate (Wu Men): The main entrance to the Forbidden City, known for its grand architecture and historical significance. Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihe Dian): The largest hall in the Forbidden City, used for major ceremonial occasions. Hall of Central Harmony (Zhonghe Dian): A smaller, intimate hall where the emperor prepared and rested before ceremonies. Hall of Preserving Harmony (Baohe Dian): Used for banquets and later for imperial examinations. Palace of Heavenly Purity (Qianqing Gong): The emperor's residence, representing his supreme authority. Hall of Union (Jiaotai Dian): A hall connecting the emperor's and empress's palaces, symbolizing their union. Palace of Earthly Tranquility (Kunning Gong): The residence of the empress and the site for imperial weddings. Imperial Garden: A serene garden area with ancient trees, rockeries, and pavilions, used by the imperial family for leisure. Clock and Watch Gallery: Displays a vast collection of timepieces from the imperial collection. Treasure Gallery: Houses valuable artifacts, including jade, gold, and other treasures from the imperial era. Activities Exploring historical buildings and courtyards Visiting museum exhibitions Photography Participating in guided tours Attending cultural performances and events Facilities Visitor Center Restrooms Gift Shops Cafes and Restaurants Parking Lots Audio Guide Rentals Guided Tour Services Visitor Tips Wear comfortable walking shoes. Bring water and snacks, especially if you plan to stay for several hours. Visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid crowds. Check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. Respect the cultural and historical significance of the site; behave appropriately and follow all rules and guidelines. Plan your visit to include the main attractions and leave time for exploring lesser-known areas.
Beautiful China 中国 trips
Sublime natural scenery; amazing ancient culture, yet future looking; exquisite food; friendly people ... China, 2019. Welcome to the good life. Something you won't forget ..... Live more !
Study abroad : in ChengDu 成都
SiChuan province in south-west China ...
SanYa 三亚, HaiNan 海南 island
The West Lake 西湖, HangZhou 杭州
ZheJiang province. A beautiful place to relax ...
Discover the natural beauty and tea culture of FuJian 福建 province …
FúJiàn province, east China

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