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NanJing 南京 time-lapse and aerial drone film
About love …
11 / 11 - 'Singles' Day'. Maybe being an inseparable 11 is the better way compared to 11 ? 2 (1). Maybe that other 1 is art, or all humanity. Whatever it is for you - live more ... Four great romantic short stories from SiChuan province, in south west China ... If you can, please help us out with a donation (see the top of the sidebar on the right)
SanMing 三明, FuJian province
The two rivers, four lakes cruise, GuiLin 桂林
In GuangXi province. Beautiful ...
*** Planning war with China – part 10 – don’t miss it ***
Max : "Rules based world order = we make the rules, and we make the orders". Economic imperialism. With The GrayZone - professor Michael Hudson talks with Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal (3 very wise brains) ... Bonus film - on 'humane war'; rebranded war ('war is peace') - Aaron Maté talks with Samuel Moyn ... Bonus film 2 - on Hunter Biden's laptop ... Bonus film 3 - John Bolton challenged on Iran regime change, Afghanistan, US sanctions, bombing of Syria - with Afshin Rattansi ... Bonus film 4 - why Hillary Clinton smeared Tulsi Gabbard ...
This is WuHan 武汉 !
Provincial capital of HuBei province, central China ...
What is the West doing in Myanmar (to isolate China) ?
Destabilization of China's neighbors is gathering pace ...
The beautiful YuanMingYuan 圆明园 Park, Beijing
From the ashes of Western imperialism, the first Summer Palace, close by the 'new' Summer Palace (YiHeYuan), is still an enchanting place of natural beauty and Chinese garden arts ...
SiChuan 四川 province – “The power of Nature”
A charming micro movie that takes you to some of the many beautiful places in SiChuan province ...

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