The GuanYin of Mount XiQiao, FoShan, GuangDong

The GuanYin of Mount XiQiao is a colossal statue in NanHai District of FoShan, GuangDong. This monument stands 62 m (203 ft) tall, and sits on a 15 m pedestal, making a total height of 77 m (253 ft). GuanYin is the bodhisattva of compassion in Buddhism.

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The pepper stuffed with minced meat is a signature dish of the Hakka cuisine called 'niang', a descriptive word of the method of preparing the food. It's also common among other minority ethnic groups in southern China. The wide varieties of vegetables used for niang range from different kind of tofu to eggplants, bitter gourd, okra to even the spongy shell/skin of pomelo.

GuangDong map

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Picturesque DaLi is located in YunNan province, south China, about 300 kilometers (185 miles) northwest of the provincial capital, KunMing. DaLi is surrounded by the CangShan mountains to the east, west and south, with ErHai Lake to the north. In this part of YunNan one can find 25 ethnic minorities (primarily the Bai people), which has created a unique cultural heritage bringing a charm to everyday life and a wide range of festivities. Famous attractions include the Butterfly Spring and the Three Pagodas of ChongSheng Temple. DaLi is also known for its highly prized marble, known as DaLi Stone. The old town is quite separate from the new city (called XiaGuan) and many buildings here, including the city walls and moat, date from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). DaLi is a 20 minute flight from KunMing (75 minutes from ChengDu and ChongQing). There are also flights to ShangHai, BeiJing, ShenZhen, GuangZhou and GuiYuan. By rail, DaLi is connected to KunMing and LiJiang. 风景如画的大理位于云南省南部中国,约300公里的省会,昆明西北(185哩)。 大理是由苍山群山环绕,东,西,南,与洱海北部。在这部分云南人能找到25个少数民族(主要是白族人),这创造了一个独特的文化底蕴带来的魅力,日常生活和各种庆祝活动。 著名景点包括蝴蝶泉和崇圣寺三塔。大理也以其如获至宝大理石,被称为大理石。 老城区,距离新城区(称为下关)和许多建筑在这里,包括城墙和护城河,日期从明朝(1368-1644)完全分离。 大理距离昆明有20分钟的飞行(从成都和重庆75分钟)。也有航班到​​上海,北京,深圳,广州和桂圆。通过铁路,大理连接昆明和丽江。
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