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BeiJingBuzzz is 15 years old !  A retrospect …
Just a taster till January 2021. For the first few days it wasn't even going to be a video based site - but within a week it was. But back in 2005, there were few videos and the quality of what did exist was, er, not great ; ) But we had a vision ... 15 years can be a long time in the tech world. We'll bring you some memories of yesteryear here in the coming weeks. We have always focused on the very best - wacky, wonderful, awe-inspiring, beautiful, awakening ... A typically eclectic mix of wonderful on the way. But we can't say that without a little taster ... A contemporary arts zone in north east BeiJing with many galleries, bookshops, cafes and more. Changes all the time; though some 1950s factory look lingers. If you like to wander and come across the unexpected, it is well worth a visit. A fascinating place and an example of the 'new China'. With Jason Zhang ... Nothing really ends ... there's always an echo ... but what will that be ... ? From 2010, ShangHai city center flash mob - feel the heat. Bad Romance, Jai Ho, Rolling on the River, and more ... One of the most beautiful pieces of music that your ears will ever hear - 默 那英歌曲 吉他弹唱 ... Ongmanibamai - Dai Qing Tana and the HAYA band (ethnic Mongolian) ... There are really no words; nirvana ... More great music (click here) ...
The beautiful Temple of Heaven 天坛, BeiJing – slideshow – video
A film by and ...
Mandarin and other Chinese languages
Night walk in ZhuZhou city, HuNan province
With Walk East ...
Impressions of GuiLin 桂林
印象桂林 GuangXi province, south China. Awesome, beautiful landscapes and culture ... Amazing CGI.
LianYunGang 连云港, JiangSu province
LiánYúnGǎng's tourist attractions include : Lian Island Resort, 连岛 A beautiful island connected to LianYun district by a 7 kilometer (4 miles) sea dyke, the longest in China. There are two main beach and swimming areas. Lian Island is also home to an annual music extravaganza that features some of China's most famous pop stars. Huaguo Mountain, 花果山
XiangYang city, HuBei province
One of China's most complete ancient cities, it was formerly named XiangFan. With Walk East ...
Meng WanZhou (HuaWei) free at last
With Cyrus Jannsen ... With Lee Barrett ... Bonus film, with RT America ...
QianHai 前海 Lake, central BeiJing
Lotus Lane is a charming place to wander and a lively place in the evening to dine and listen to live music ... Often mis-named as HouHai, which is actually another lake immediately to the north, these lakes form part of ShiChaHai, once the docks at the northern end of the Grand Canal from HangZhou. To the south lies BeiHai and JingShan Parks and to the north, the Drum and Bell Towers; east from there lies NanLuoGuXiang, a largely pedestrianized hutong filled with craft and speciality shops and cafes.

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