Memories of teaching in China 中国

"This is a collection of photos and videos from my year abroad teaching English in China. Please enjoy as much as I did with this life changing experience!"


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Ancient QianMen, BeiJing, hutong and park walk
Just south of TianAnMen and the Forbidden City. 北京老城闹市区的世外桃源-好似江南水乡-从鲜鱼口美食街到长巷头条风景区的胡同漫步之旅 ...
A relaxing evening in LanShan Park, YinChuan
Chinese New Year light show 2022 ShangHai Yu Garden night walk – year of the tiger
上海豫园城隍庙虎年新春游园灯会 With Wei's Travel ... Bonus film ...
A new life in China
"We are a family of four from the USA that recently moved to China for a couple of years for work. We would like to use this channel to share with you our experiences and adventures that encounter along the way. Enjoy!"
ShaPoTou in NingXia
ShenYang, capital of LiaoNing province
With Walk East ...
Fat Fiction – healthy nutrition documentary
Why the 'low fat diet recommendation' has killed millions and which fats are good and which are deadly. With Mark Hyman, Jason Fung, and more ...
Planning war on China – part 24
Neither Russia nor China are warmongers, neither seek some kind of world domination, only protection; hegemony is very much only a fantasy of the West (the neo-feudal elites, not the people). If either did not assist the other in time of war, they would go down soon after. Russia has the nukes, China has the manpower and manufacturing. Only together can they withstand the imminent war. On Roosevelt's notion of economic freedom - with The Gravel Institute ... Meanwhile ...
China and sovereignty
With Ben Norton and Li JingJing ...

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