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Beautiful GuBei water town and the adjacent dramatic SiMaTai Great Wall of China, BeiJing
With LaLaLaLauran ... GuBei Water Town Travel Guide Introduction GuBei Water Town, located at the foot of the Simatai Great Wall in Miyun County, Beijing, is a picturesque water town that combines natural beauty with rich cultural heritage. Modeled after the ancient towns in Jiangnan (the region south of the Yangtze River), GuBei Water Town features traditional architecture, serene waterways, and stunning views of the Great Wall. This guide will help you explore the enchanting GuBei Water Town, including must-see attractions, activities, and practical travel information. Must-See Attractions Simatai Great Wall (司马台长城) One of the main highlights of GuBei Water Town is its proximity to the Simatai Great Wall, known for its steep slopes and well-preserved watchtowers. Visitors can take a cable car or hike to the wall, offering breathtaking views and a sense of historical significance. Water Town Night Tour (夜游水镇) Experience the magic of GuBei Water Town at night, when the entire town is illuminated with colorful lights reflecting off the waterways. The night tour provides a unique perspective of the town's beauty and a tranquil atmosphere for a relaxing evening stroll. Wangjing Tower (望京楼) Wangjing Tower, also known as the Watching Beijing Tower, offers panoramic views of the town and the surrounding mountains. It is a perfect spot for photography and enjoying the natural scenery. Folk Culture Museum (民俗文化馆) The Folk Culture Museum showcases the traditional customs, clothing, and handicrafts of the local people. It provides an educational insight into the cultural heritage of the region. Yang Wudi Temple (杨无敌庙) Dedicated to the legendary General Yang Yanzhao, the Yang Wudi Temple is a historic site that offers a glimpse into the town's religious and military history. The temple is beautifully preserved and adds to the cultural richness of GuBei Water Town. Activities and Experiences Boat Rides: Take a boat ride along the picturesque canals of GuBei Water Town. This is a relaxing way to see the town from a different perspective and enjoy the peaceful waterways. Traditional Performances: Enjoy traditional Chinese performances, including folk music, dance, and opera. These performances are often held in the town's public squares and add to the cultural ambiance. Local Cuisine: Sample local delicacies at the various restaurants and street food vendors throughout the town. Popular dishes include roast duck, handmade noodles, and various snacks. Hot Springs: Relax and unwind at the nearby hot springs, which offer a soothing retreat after a day of exploring. The hot springs are renowned for their therapeutic properties and scenic surroundings. Shopping: Browse the town's shops for traditional handicrafts, souvenirs, and local products. The shops offer a wide range of items, from silk garments to handmade pottery. Practical Travel Information Getting There: GuBei Water Town is accessible by bus, car, or private tour from Beijing. The journey takes approximately 2-3 hours by car. Buses are available from Beijing's Dongzhimen Bus Station. Entrance Fee: The entrance fee for GuBei Water Town varies depending on the season and whether you are visiting during the day or night. Check the official website or contact local tourism offices for up-to-date pricing. Opening Hours: GuBei Water Town is open from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM. Night tours are available from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM, offering a unique evening experience. Accommodation: There are several accommodation options within GuBei Water Town, ranging from traditional guesthouses to luxury hotels. Staying overnight allows visitors to fully immerse themselves in the town's atmosphere and enjoy the night tour. Health and Safety: Ensure you are in good health before exploring the town, especially if you plan to hike the Simatai Great Wall. Stay hydrated, wear comfortable shoes, and follow local safety guidelines. Local Services: Facilities such as restrooms, restaurants, and shops are available throughout the town. Most areas are well-equipped to cater to tourists' needs, but it's always a good idea to carry basic necessities. Conclusion GuBei Water Town offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and modern amenities, making it an ideal destination for travelers looking to experience the charm of ancient China. Use this guide to plan your visit and explore the enchanting waterways, traditional architecture, and stunning views of the Simatai Great Wall. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a culture lover, or simply looking for a picturesque retreat, GuBei Water Town promises an unforgettable experience. SiMaTai Great Wall Travel Guide Introduction The SiMaTai section of the Great Wall of China is renowned for its unique architectural features and breathtaking scenery. Located in the Miyun County of Beijing, approximately 120 kilometers northeast of downtown Beijing, this section is known for its steep gradients and well-preserved structures. SiMaTai offers an adventurous and less commercialized experience, making it a favorite among hikers and history enthusiasts. This guide will help you explore the SiMaTai section, including must-see highlights, hiking tips, and practical travel information. Must-See Highlights Sky Bridge (天桥) The Sky Bridge is a narrow, steep section of the Great Wall that offers thrilling views and a challenging hike. This part of the wall is only a meter wide and connects two peaks, providing an exhilarating experience for adventurous visitors. Heavenly Ladder (天梯) The Heavenly Ladder is a steep staircase that ascends almost vertically up the mountain. It is one of the most challenging parts of the SiMaTai section, but the effort is rewarded with spectacular views of the surrounding landscape. Fairy Tower (仙女楼) The Fairy Tower is one of the 16 watchtowers on the SiMaTai section. It is unique for its distinctive architectural style and the stunning views it offers. This tower is a popular spot for photography and taking in the panoramic scenery. East and West Towers (东西望楼) The East and West Towers are the two highest points of the SiMaTai section. These towers were crucial for military defense and communication in ancient times. Climbing to the top provides a sense of accomplishment and offers some of the best views of the Great Wall. Hiking Tips Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit SiMaTai is during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild, and the scenery is at its most beautiful. Hiking Difficulty: The SiMaTai section is known for its steep and rugged terrain. It is suitable for experienced hikers with a good level of fitness. Some parts can be quite challenging. What to Wear: Wear sturdy hiking shoes with good grip, comfortable clothing, and a hat. Bring layers as temperatures can vary. What to Bring: Carry plenty of water, snacks, sunscreen, and a first-aid kit. A camera is also recommended for capturing the stunning views. Hiking Route: A popular route is to start from the SiMaTai West entrance and hike to the JinShanLing section. This takes about 4-5 hours and covers some of the most scenic and challenging parts of the wall. Guided Tours: Consider hiring a local guide or joining a guided tour for a more informative experience. Guides can provide historical context and ensure you stay on the best paths. Practical Travel Information Getting There: SiMaTai is accessible by bus, car, or private tour from Beijing. The journey takes approximately 2-3 hours by car. Buses are available from Beijing's Dongzhimen Bus Station. Entrance Fee: The entrance fee for SiMaTai varies depending on the season and whether you are hiking during the day or night. Check the official website or contact local tourism offices for up-to-date pricing. Opening Hours: SiMaTai is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM for daytime hiking and from 5:30 PM to 10:00 PM for night tours. Night tours offer a unique perspective of the Great Wall under the stars. Accommodation: There are several guesthouses and hotels near SiMaTai for those who wish to stay overnight. The Gubei Water Town resort nearby offers more luxurious accommodations and amenities. Health and Safety: Ensure you are in good health before attempting the hike, as the terrain can be demanding. Stay on designated paths to avoid accidents and respect local regulations and signs. Local Services: Facilities such as restrooms and small shops are available at the entrance and at certain points along the wall. However, it's advisable to bring your own supplies for convenience. Conclusion The SiMaTai section of the Great Wall of China offers a unique and adventurous experience compared to other parts of the wall. Its steep gradients, well-preserved structures, and stunning views make it a must-visit destination for any traveler. Use this guide to plan your visit and enjoy the incredible beauty and historical significance of SiMaTai. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a photography lover, or an avid hiker, SiMaTai promises an unforgettable adventure.
In the footsteps of Marco Polo along the Silk Road and his many years in China
With TRACKS - Travel Documentaries ... The Travels of Marco Polo Introduction Marco Polo, the Venetian explorer, is renowned for his extensive travels along the Silk Road during the 13th century. His journey provided Europe with one of the earliest comprehensive glimpses of the East. This guide focuses on Marco Polo's travels, with a particular emphasis on his time in China and the significant experiences he documented in his book, "The Travels of Marco Polo." Early Journey Marco Polo embarked on his journey to Asia in 1271, at the age of 17, accompanied by his father, Niccolò, and his uncle, Maffeo Polo. The Polo family traveled overland through the Middle East, passing through regions such as Persia (modern-day Iran) and the Pamir Mountains, enduring harsh climates and difficult terrains. Their ultimate goal was to reach the court of Kublai Khan, the Mongol ruler of China. Arrival in China In 1275, after nearly four years of travel, Marco Polo and his family arrived at the court of Kublai Khan in Shangdu (Xanadu), present-day Inner Mongolia. Kublai Khan, impressed by their knowledge and skills, took a particular interest in Marco Polo, employing him as a diplomat and sending him on various missions throughout his empire. Marco Polo's Time in China Service to Kublai Khan Marco Polo served Kublai Khan for 17 years, undertaking diplomatic missions that allowed him to travel extensively across China and other parts of Asia. He became well-acquainted with the Mongol administration and the diverse cultures within the empire. His detailed observations and accounts provided valuable insights into the life and governance of the Mongol Empire. Explorations and Observations During his time in China, Marco Polo visited numerous cities and regions, documenting their unique aspects. Some key places he described include: Beijing (Khanbaliq): The capital of Kublai Khan's empire, Beijing was a bustling metropolis with grand palaces, markets, and administrative buildings. Marco Polo marveled at the city's size, organization, and the wealth displayed by its inhabitants. Hangzhou (Quinsai): Marco Polo described Hangzhou as one of the most magnificent cities in the world, renowned for its beautiful canals, thriving commerce, and vibrant culture. He noted its sophisticated infrastructure, including bridges, markets, and gardens. Suzhou and its Silk Production: Marco Polo provided detailed accounts of silk production in Suzhou, highlighting the meticulous process of harvesting silk from silkworms and weaving it into luxurious fabrics. He was fascinated by the craftsmanship and the high demand for silk across the empire. Yunnan Province: During his travels, Marco Polo ventured into Yunnan, describing its diverse ethnic groups and unique customs. He also noted the region's rich natural resources, including gold and other minerals. Tibet: Marco Polo's travels took him to the Tibetan Plateau, where he documented the distinctive culture, religious practices, and the high-altitude lifestyle of the Tibetan people. Technological and Cultural Observations Marco Polo's accounts also included descriptions of various technologies and cultural practices he encountered in China: Paper Money: Marco Polo was fascinated by the use of paper money, a novel concept to Europeans at the time. He described the process of printing and distributing paper currency, which facilitated trade across the vast empire. Postal System: The efficient postal system, known as the "Yam," impressed Marco Polo. This network of relay stations and couriers enabled swift communication and the transportation of goods and information across great distances. Innovations and Inventions: Marco Polo documented various Chinese inventions, such as gunpowder, printing, and the compass, which later had a profound impact on European technology and exploration. Cultural Exchange: Marco Polo's interactions with diverse cultures within the Mongol Empire enriched his understanding of different customs, religions, and lifestyles. His accounts reflect the multicultural nature of the Silk Road and the exchange of ideas and knowledge it facilitated. Return to Venice In 1292, after spending 17 years in China, Marco Polo and his family decided to return to Venice. They joined a Mongol princess's escort on her journey to Persia, eventually making their way back to Europe via the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea. They arrived in Venice in 1295, after 24 years of travel. Legacy of Marco Polo Marco Polo's detailed accounts of his travels were compiled into a book, "The Travels of Marco Polo," which became one of the most important sources of information about the East for Europeans. His descriptions of the wealth, culture, and innovations of China and other Asian regions inspired future explorers, including Christopher Columbus, and significantly influenced European knowledge and perceptions of Asia. Marco Polo's travels along the Silk Road highlighted the interconnectedness of the world through trade and cultural exchange, and his legacy continues to be celebrated as a testament to the spirit of exploration and curiosity.
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August 1st 2022. With The New Atlas - Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano ... Orsis Rutherford The problem with the US is that 90% of the population could not find Taiwan or The Ukraine on a map. I went to China in 2015 and I discovered an amazing country with a blend of tradition and modernity. People looked happy and I felt safe. AloofMicrobe "Be humble. Admit you know nothing about China. Start from zero and start building up a real understanding." Probably the best advice I've had my entire life - and I'm 63 years old! Thank you so much, both of you. Love and peace, from London. ashley mistletoe As a Taiwaneses, I can vouch for everything you said about Taiwan, history, politics.. very surprised that you nailed so much details. To add a few more facts: 1. Right now in Taiwan it's a hostage situation: people don't want to go to war with China but this government is doing america bidding and for us it's just disgusting, hateful yet there's nothing much we can do... 2. This government brainwashes the less informed population, controls media and public opinions with a massive cyber force that's silencing and suppressing opposition. It's despicable that they have the shame to brag about democracy. 3. NO ONE IN TAIWAN WANTS A WAR, not even the heavily propagandized, except the very few brainwashed extremists. Those in power such as Ms. Tsai never mind bleeding our blood but trust me they will be the first to fly away the moment smell of war approaches. 4. I've heard over and over again that parents told their kids to surrender when the war breaks out. I remember vividly one of them said, "Who are we fighting for? Tsai Yinwen?" followed with an angry sneer. THIS GOVERNMENT IS A DISGRACE. Nancy Barra Brian, you represent the best of young Americans. Your critical thinking and analytical skills are amazing and I hope people like you can lead the United States to a new era in the future. In the meantime you are helping a lot of people to think beyond what mass media is proyecting. Angelo Giluino is also a great thinker and analyst. Gav Munro As a Brit in China I agree with Angelo 100% about the sense of humility that we should have. I was someone who questioned why things were the way they were in China, thankfully the more I tried to understand China the quicker I grew out of it. There's a much said phrase here that 'When I landed in China I could write a book about it, after 10 years I could write a leaflet on it, after 15 years I can barely write half a page about it'. That's the reality. China is an enigma, it's not to be 'advised' but to be respected and studied. It's brought it's poorest into a middle class at a rate of knots. The west is vilifying China not to China's determent but to their own. They could learn so much from China's rise. Their elites choose not to tell the people the real story. That's the real tragedy. Bonus film - with Richard Wolff ... Bonus film - with Garland Nixon ...

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