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Around YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林, GuangXi province
With Sticker Travel ...
ShangHai 上海 in time-lapse
Some awesome scenes ...
Wok Hei and seafood in Hong Kong
With Blondie in China ...
Xi’An, ShaanXi – where ancient and future meet
With Reporterfy Media & Travel ...
This is it. (philosophy)
Alan Watts talks about Zen Buddhism - why we should stop chasing our tail. Wu Wei - action without force ... The Middle Way - the path that cannot be followed, and The Fall (anxiety) ... The truth is soooooo simple, it is hard to put into words .. Audio book - The Way of Zen ...
Dazzling dance action !
Plus a little Jive. ChengDu, SiChuan province. Excerpts from the selection of the national squad that will go to Beijing for the WDSF World Championship September 2012. Plus, an awesome feel-good dance video from Swing BeiJing. Locations: The Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the “Bird’s Nest” Beijing National Stadium, QianHai – HouHai, the Temple of Heaven, ZhongShan Park and The Place mall. Music:the fantastic Pink Martini – “Wo Yao Ni De Ai 我要你的爱” (I Want You, To Be My Baby) ... Plus, a dance from the China Youth Dance Festival (great song) ... For more dance videos, from classical Chinese dance to contemporary dance, click on the 'dance' tag below.
The West’s neocon war for hegemony (world domination)
With Garland Nixon ...
Stress and health (don’t miss this)
With doctors Mark Hyman and Rangan Chatterjee. Of all the four pillars of health - diet, exercise, sleep and relaxation - the last is often the hardest to improve. Mindfulness, mindset, and the importance of 'downtime' and 'digital detox' ... And always take time to appreciate what you have, above worrying about what you don't have. Bonus film - the BIG epidemic that is ignored; chronic disease and the 'healthcare' system - don't miss it ...
YuanMingYuan 圆明园, the original Summer Palace in BeiJing – documentary
A fascinating documentary, in English. Discover how this place embodied the quintessential Chinese garden arts, and how it came to be destroyed ...

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