A home and B&B in the mountains

Nestled on a remote hillside in JiangXi province, it is part of the natural landscape and a haven of a simpler life ...


Bonus films ...

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The DaMing Buddhist temple, YangZhou, JiangSu province
With China Walking Tour ... The DaMing Temple (大明寺) in YangZhou, JiangSu province, is a renowned Buddhist temple with a rich history dating back over a thousand years. It is one of the key cultural and historical landmarks in YangZhou and holds significant importance in Chinese Buddhist heritage. Here is more information about the DaMing Temple: History and Origins: Establishment: The DaMing Temple was originally built during the Southern Dynasties period in the 5th century AD, making it one of the oldest temples in Jiangsu province. Significance: It was initially established by the ruler of the Liang Dynasty, Emperor Wu, as a center for Buddhist teachings and practices. Architectural Features: Main Hall (Mahavira Hall): The temple's main hall is the Mahavira Hall (大雄宝殿), a grand and majestic structure that enshrines statues of Buddha and other important figures in Buddhism. Pagoda: The temple complex also includes a historic pagoda, known as the Yunyan Pagoda (云岩塔), which is a designated national treasure and an iconic symbol of Yangzhou. Cultural Heritage: Influence: Throughout its history, the DaMing Temple has played a pivotal role in the development of Buddhist culture, attracting scholars, monks, and pilgrims from across China and beyond. Renowned Monks: The temple has been associated with several influential Buddhist monks and scholars, contributing to the spread of Buddhism and the exchange of knowledge. Attractions and Highlights: Yunyan Pagoda: The pagoda within the temple grounds is a must-visit attraction, offering panoramic views of Yangzhou from its upper levels. Historic Artifacts: The DaMing Temple houses various Buddhist artifacts, scriptures, and relics, providing insights into the region's religious and cultural heritage. Modern Significance: Cultural Site: Today, the DaMing Temple remains an active Buddhist temple and a popular destination for tourists, scholars, and pilgrims interested in exploring China's Buddhist traditions. Tourist Destination: Visitors can immerse themselves in the serene atmosphere of the temple complex, admire its architecture, and learn about its historical significance. Location: Address: DaMing Temple, No. 1 Taicheng Road, Hanjiang District, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. The DaMing Temple in Yangzhou stands as a testament to China's enduring Buddhist legacy and serves as a living link to the region's ancient past. Its blend of architectural beauty, cultural heritage, and spiritual significance makes it a captivating destination for travelers seeking to explore Jiangsu's historical treasures.

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