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FengHuang 凤凰 ancient town, HuNan province
FèngHuáng (Phoenix) ancient town, lies 'close' (about 140 kilometers) to the ZhangJiaJie Nature Reserve. The town retains much of its ancient architecture and culture. Legend tells that two of the mythical phoenix birds flew over the town and were so in awe at its beauty that they remained hovering there for a long time, being reluctant to leave and lose the view. FengHuang is home to several minority ethnic groups, mainly the Miao (苗) and TuJia (土家). Batik and tie-dye are very popular here and the Miao and TuJia have their own ways to produce the cloth with unique folk patterns. Traditional crafts also include embroidery (TuJia), silverware (Miao), 'paper cuts' and ginger candy. DiaoJiaoLou (吊脚楼) is the traditional dwelling of the TuJia, Miao and some other minorities. DiaoJiaoLou can be translated literally into English as "feet-hanging building" which means a building built with its base hanging in the air instead of locating on the ground. The houses lining the river display a strong Miao ethnic style with the front part facing the old official road and the rear part hanging over the Tuo River.
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Hiking along the beautiful Li River 漓江 (YangDi to XingPing) – video
A 5-6 hours hike along the scenic YangDi to XingPing section of the Li River, GuangXi province. From YangShuo bus station there are regular buses to YangDi; the journey takes about an hour. After the ferry crossing at YangDi, the trek through farms and villages to the 2nd ferry crossing takes about an hour. At QuanJiaZhou, you can take a raft then continue on foot to the 3rd ferry crossing. From the Nine Horses Mural Hill, the tram to XingPing will stop by the scenery featured on the back of the RMB 20 bank note. The tram ride is included in the fare for the 3 ferry crossings. At XingPing bus station, there are buses to YangShuo till about 8 pm. If you start from XingPing in the morning, the scenery featured on the RMB 20 note will look better, but note that the last YangDi-YangShuo bus is around 5 pm.
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LongQing Xia 龙庆峡 (LongQing Gorge), BeiJing
With GoYvon ... LongQing Xia (龙庆峡) Visitor Guide - BeiJing Overview LongQing Xia, also known as the LongQing Gorge or Dragon Celebration Gorge, is a stunning scenic area located in the YanQing District of BeiJing, China. Famous for its breathtaking natural scenery, clear waters, and dramatic cliffs, LongQing Xia is a popular destination for both locals and tourists seeking a peaceful retreat from the bustling city. Getting There Location: YanQing District, BeiJing, China. Public Transport: By Bus: Take Bus 919 or 880 from Deshengmen Bus Station to YanQing. From YanQing, transfer to Bus 875 to LongQing Xia. By Train: Take the S2 train from Huangtudian Railway Station to YanQing Station. From there, take a taxi or local bus to LongQing Xia. Opening Hours April to October: 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM November to March: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Tickets Entrance Fee: ¥40 Boat Ride: ¥100 (optional) Discounted Ticket (for children, students, and seniors): ¥20 Main Attractions LongQing Xia offers a variety of attractions for visitors to explore: Ice Lantern Festival: Held every winter, the festival features beautiful ice sculptures and colorful lanterns, creating a magical winter wonderland. LongQing Gorge: The main attraction, this gorge offers stunning views of the cliffs and clear waters, best experienced by boat. Bailong Cave: A cave with impressive stalactites and stalagmites, offering a cool retreat during the summer months. Jiguanshan Great Wall: A lesser-known section of the Great Wall, offering a historical and scenic hike. Rainbow Bridge: A picturesque bridge offering great photo opportunities and scenic views of the gorge. Activities Visitors can engage in various activities at LongQing Xia: Boat Rides: Take a boat ride through the gorge to fully appreciate the stunning scenery. Bungee Jumping: For the adventurous, there is a bungee jumping platform offering a thrilling experience. Hiking: Explore the trails around the gorge and the Great Wall for a more active visit. Photography: Capture the beautiful landscapes and unique features of the area. Ice Sculptures (winter): Visit during the winter months to see the incredible ice sculptures of the Ice Lantern Festival. Dining and Refreshments Several restaurants and snack stalls are available around LongQing Xia, offering a variety of Chinese cuisine and refreshments. It is also advisable to bring your own snacks and water, especially if you plan on hiking or exploring for an extended period. Visitor Tips Best Time to Visit: Spring and autumn are the best times to visit due to the pleasant weather and beautiful scenery. Winter is also popular for the Ice Lantern Festival. Wear Comfortable Shoes: The area has many trails and uneven terrain, so comfortable walking shoes are recommended. Stay Hydrated: Bring plenty of water, especially if you plan on hiking. Prepare for Weather: Bring a raincoat or umbrella during the rainy season, and dress in layers for temperature changes. Respect Nature: Follow park rules, stay on designated paths, and do not disturb the wildlife. Nearby Attractions Badaling Great Wall: One of the most famous sections of the Great Wall, located nearby and offering a great historical experience. Yudu Mountain: A beautiful mountain area offering hiking trails and stunning views. Kangxi Grassland: A vast grassland ideal for horse riding, picnicking, and enjoying the natural scenery. Conclusion LongQing Xia (龙庆峡) in BeiJing is a breathtaking natural destination that offers a mix of stunning landscapes, adventurous activities, and cultural experiences. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, thrill-seeker, or simply looking for a peaceful retreat, LongQing Xia provides an unforgettable experience.
50 places to visit in XinJiang
XinJiang: 20 Kid-Friendly Places to Visit Heavenly Lake (Tianchi) (天池 Tiānchí): A stunning alpine lake surrounded by snow-capped peaks, offering boat rides and hiking trails suitable for families. Kanas Lake (喀纳斯湖 Kānàsī Hú): A picturesque alpine lake with clear blue waters, surrounded by forests and mountains, offering boat rides and nature walks. Grasslands (草原 Cǎoyuán): Explore the vast grasslands of Xinjiang, where kids can run around freely and enjoy horseback riding and camping experiences. Gaochang Ancient City (高昌古城 Gāochāng Gǔchéng): Explore the ruins of an ancient Silk Road city, where kids can learn about history and archaeology through guided tours. Ancient City of Jiaohe (交河故城 Jiāohé Gùchéng): Discover the well-preserved ruins of an ancient desert city, offering a glimpse into Xinjiang's rich history. Taklamakan Desert (塔克拉玛干沙漠 Tǎkèlāmǎgān Shāmò): Experience the vastness of the desert landscape with camel rides and sand dune adventures suitable for adventurous kids. Turpan Grape Valley (吐鲁番葡萄沟 Tǔlǔfān Pútáogōu): Explore vineyards and orchards in this lush valley, where kids can taste fresh fruits and learn about agriculture. Karakul Lake (喀拉库勒湖 Kālākùlè Hú): Marvel at the stunning scenery of this high-altitude lake, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, offering opportunities for photography and relaxation. Xinjiang Silk Road Museum (新疆丝绸之路博物馆 Xīnjiāng Sīchóu Zhī Lù Bówùguǎn): Learn about the history and culture of the Silk Road through interactive exhibits and artifacts. Flaming Mountains (火焰山 Huǒyàn Shān): Explore the unique red sandstone formations of the Flaming Mountains, which inspired ancient legends, suitable for outdoor exploration and photography. Emin Minaret (苏公塔 Sūgōngtǎ): Admire the architectural beauty of this historic minaret, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and insights into Islamic culture. Altai Mountains (阿尔泰山脉 Ā'ěrtài Shānmài): Discover the natural beauty of the Altai Mountains, where kids can enjoy hiking, wildlife spotting, and camping adventures. Bayinbuluke Grassland (巴音布鲁克草原 Bāyīnbùlǔkè Cǎoyuán): Experience the vast grasslands of Bayinbuluke, where kids can participate in horseback riding, nomadic culture experiences, and yurt stays. Hemu Village (禾木村 Hémù Cūn): Visit this picturesque village nestled in the mountains, offering opportunities for hiking, photography, and cultural immersion. Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves (柏孜克里千佛洞 Bózīkèlǐ Qiānfódòng): Explore ancient Buddhist caves adorned with murals and sculptures, offering insights into the region's religious history. Turpan Ancient City (吐鲁番古城 Tǔlǔfān Gǔchéng): Wander through the narrow streets and ancient ruins of Turpan's old city, where kids can imagine life in ancient times. Tianshan Tianchi National Park (天山天池国家公园 Tiānshān Tiānchí Guójiā Gōngyuán): Explore the pristine natural beauty of Tianshan Tianchi National Park, offering hiking trails, boating, and scenic vistas. Yarkant Ancient City (莎车古城 Shāchē Gǔchéng): Step back in time as you explore the ancient city of Yarkant, known for its historic mosques, markets, and traditional architecture. Shipton's Arch (希普顿拱门 Xīpǔdùn Gǒngmén): Marvel at the natural wonder of Shipton's Arch, one of the largest natural arches in the world, offering breathtaking views and hiking opportunities. Xinjiang Regional Museum (新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆 Xīnjiāng Wéiwú'ěr Zìzhìqū Bówùguǎn): Learn about Xinjiang's diverse cultures, history, and artifacts through exhibits and interactive displays suitable for families. XinJiang: 30 More Places to Visit Karakoram Highway (喀喇昆仑公路 Kālākūnlún Gōnglù): Embark on an epic road trip along one of the highest paved roads in the world, offering stunning mountain scenery and cultural encounters. Urumqi Grand Bazaar (乌鲁木齐大巴扎 Wūlǔmùqí Dàbāzhā): Explore the bustling markets of Urumqi, where kids can sample local delicacies, shop for souvenirs, and experience the vibrant atmosphere. Kizil Thousand Buddha Caves (克孜尔千佛洞 Kèzī'ěr Qiānfódòng): Marvel at the ancient Buddhist art and architecture of the Kizil Caves, known for their colorful murals and intricate carvings. Tuyoq Valley (吐峪沟 Tǔyùgōu): Discover the scenic beauty and cultural heritage of Tuyoq Valley, where kids can explore ancient ruins, visit local villages, and enjoy hiking trails. Gaochang Ruins (高昌故城 Gāochāng Gùchéng): Explore the ruins of an ancient Silk Road city, offering insights into the region's history and architecture. Xinjiang Grape Valley (新疆葡萄沟 Xīnjiāng Pútáogōu): Visit vineyards and orchards in this picturesque valley, where kids can taste fresh fruits and learn about grape cultivation. Xinjiang Regional Museum (新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆 Xīnjiāng Wéiwú'ěr Zìzhìqū Bówùguǎn): Learn about Xinjiang's diverse cultures, history, and artifacts through exhibits and interactive displays suitable for families. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Museum (新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆 Xīnjiāng Wéiwú'ěr Zìzhìqū Bówùguǎn): Explore the rich cultural heritage of the Uyghur people through exhibits on art, music, and traditions. Bayinbulak Grassland (巴音布鲁克草原 Bāyīnbùlǔkè Cǎoyuán): Experience the beauty of the grasslands, where kids can spot wildlife, ride horses, and enjoy traditional nomadic hospitality. Altai Mountains (阿尔泰山 Ā'ěrtài Shān): Discover the rugged beauty of the Altai Mountains, offering opportunities for hiking, mountaineering, and wildlife watching. Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves (柏孜克里千佛洞 Bózīkèlǐ Qiānfódòng): Explore ancient Buddhist caves adorned with murals and sculptures, offering insights into the region's religious history. Grape Valley (葡萄沟 Pútáogōu): Visit vineyards and orchards in this picturesque valley, where kids can taste fresh fruits and learn about grape cultivation. Yarkant Ancient City (莎车古城 Shāchē Gǔchéng): Step back in time as you explore the ancient city of Yarkant, known for its historic mosques, markets, and traditional architecture. Shipton's Arch (希普顿拱门 Xīpǔdùn Gǒngmén): Marvel at the natural wonder of Shipton's Arch, one of the largest natural arches in the world, offering breathtaking views and hiking opportunities. Turpan Grape Valley (吐鲁番葡萄沟 Tǔlǔfān Pútáogōu): Explore vineyards and orchards in this lush valley, where kids can taste fresh fruits and learn about agriculture. Altun Mountains (阿尔金山 Ā'ěrjīn Shān): Discover the rugged beauty of the Altun Mountains, home to diverse ecosystems, including glaciers, lakes, and alpine meadows. Heavenly Lake (Tianchi) (天池 Tiānchí): A stunning alpine lake surrounded by snow-capped peaks, offering boat rides and hiking trails suitable for families. Ancient City of Jiaohe (交河故城 Jiāohé Gùchéng): Discover the well-preserved ruins of an ancient desert city, offering a glimpse into Xinjiang's rich history. Emin Minaret (苏公塔 Sūgōngtǎ): Admire the architectural beauty of this historic minaret, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and insights into Islamic culture. Bayinbuluke Grassland (巴音布鲁克草原 Bāyīnbùlǔkè Cǎoyuán): Experience the vast grasslands of Bayinbuluke, where kids can participate in horseback riding, nomadic culture experiences, and yurt stays. Hemu Village (禾木村 Hémù Cūn): Visit this picturesque village nestled in the mountains, offering opportunities for hiking, photography, and cultural immersion. Karakoram Highway (喀喇昆仑公路 Kālākūnlún Gōnglù): Embark on an epic road trip along one of the highest paved roads in the world, offering stunning mountain scenery and cultural encounters. Urumqi Grand Bazaar (乌鲁木齐大巴扎 Wūlǔmùqí Dàbāzhā): Explore the bustling markets of Urumqi, where kids can sample local delicacies, shop for souvenirs, and experience the vibrant atmosphere. Kizil Thousand Buddha Caves (克孜尔千佛洞 Kèzī'ěr Qiānfódòng): Marvel at the ancient Buddhist art and architecture of the Kizil Caves, known for their colorful murals and intricate carvings. Tuyoq Valley (吐峪沟 Tǔyùgōu): Discover the scenic beauty and cultural heritage of Tuyoq Valley, where kids can explore ancient ruins, visit local villages, and enjoy hiking trails. Gaochang Ruins (高昌故城 Gāochāng Gùchéng): Explore the ruins of an ancient Silk Road city, offering insights into the region's history and architecture. Xinjiang Grape Valley (新疆葡萄沟 Xīnjiāng Pútáogōu): Visit vineyards and orchards in this picturesque valley, where kids can taste fresh fruits and learn about grape cultivation. Xinjiang Regional Museum (新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆 Xīnjiāng Wéiwú'ěr Zìzhìqū Bówùguǎn): Learn about Xinjiang's diverse cultures, history, and artifacts through exhibits and interactive displays suitable for families.
One night in BeiJing – music videos (Love BeiJing)
A song from rock band SHIN that pays homage to Chinese Opera and has become quite a well known anthem. Sung here superbly by the beautiful Angela. My translation of the key verse : I don't care where you came from I don't know if you'll return But with you in my arms now Gonna hold you Just as long as I can Bonus film - "Nine million bicycles in BeiJing" / Love BeiJing ... True beauty is a pure heart. Six billion people in the world, Love them all; But you're the one I love most
Hot and sour soup – make at home recipe
With shiitake mushrooms, soft dofu (tofu), eggs, sliced bamboo shoots, thin sliced red pepper, thin sliced carrots, chopped spring onion, rice vinegar, soy sauce, white pepper powder, chopped / minced ginger and a little corn starch - delicious ...

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