PICK : Tovarishch Endymion – The REAL truth about The TianAnMen Square protests (not the 5-eyes plan) …
Site going over the US tensions and escalations combined with the fact that the violence was instigated by armed rioters. https://www.voltairenet.org/article177116.html
Article similar to above, discusses Tiananmen specifically. https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/tiananmen-square-massacre-myth-all-were-remembering-are-british-lies-1451053
“Fortunately we also have the hourly reports from the US Embassy in the Beijing, available on the Internet, to tell us what actually happened. They note that originally the Beijing authorities had wanted to send in unarmed troops to clear the Square of remaining students as the protests were beginning to wind down. Blocked by the crowds, armed troops were bused in and this time they were blocked by crowds with petrol bombs, with ugly results. Even so, some units tried to restrain the out-of-control solders. And an embassy report of students killing a soldier trying to enter the Square could explain some of the carnage on its periphery.”
Also similar to the above two, this article is focused on debunking purposeful lies about the Tiananmen Square Protests. https://dissidentvoice.org/2014/06/massacre-what-massacre/
This article demonstrates the fact that Chinese officials had no desire to kill dissident citizens, and that officers took responsibility for not keeping soldiers who retaliated in self defense in check. https://web.archive.org/web/20190108031411/https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2014/06/03/commentary/world-commentary/really-happened-tiananmen/
A good starter article https://leohezhao.medium.com/notes-for-30th-anniversary-of-tiananmen-incident-f098ef6efbc2
Also : https://gregoryclark.net/page15/page15.html or https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2011/07/01/commentary/black-info-and-media-gullibility-creation-of-the-tiananmen-myth/
And : https://www.globalresearch.ca/what-really-happened-in-tiananmen-square-25-years-ago/5385528 or
Protesters leaving the square at dawn. Filmed by a Spanish TV crew and aired on a HK TV station (briefly). This TV capture is from over 30 years ago, so not the best quality, but reality rather than the likes of ‘Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction’ (remember that? Millions died. And so it goes on, and on; HK protests being the most obvious, but also XinJiang and many other propaganda narratives around the world. ‘Would we lie to you? they say.
Trust comes on foot, but departs on horseback.
Truth is always the first casualty in war.
It is the truth that will set one free.
And just think – if the west could lie about this, for all these years, can you believe anything that they say ?