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ShangHai night walk in the new Fashion Street
ShangHai Silent Rainy Night Walk Tour in Brand New Fashion Lane 宁静的雨夜漫步在上海时尚新地标“今潮8弄”文艺街区|四川北路新面貌 “The Fashion Lane 8” is located on SiChuan North Road, HongKou District, ShangHai. 66 old buildings distributed in 8 old-fashioned lanes are completely preserved here. This is a gorgeously transformed old alley. Each space has its own historical story, allowing tourists to feel the deep history and culture. It is also a good place for people to feel nostalgic. There are various art exhibitions & shows, specialty restaurants, coffee shops and individual bars, which have injected a lot of fresh vitality into the old buildings. 今潮8弄位于上海虹口区的四川北路,这里完整保留了分布在8条老式里弄内的66幢老建筑,这是经过华丽变身的老弄堂,每一处空间都有各自的历史故事,让游客感受到浓浓的历史人文气息,也是人们怀旧的一个好地方。这里有各种文艺展览和演出,特色餐厅,咖啡店和个性酒吧,给老建筑注入了许多新鲜活力。 With Wei's Travel ...
ShangHai night river cruise, with the kids
Bonus film - ShangHai in time-lapse ... Bonus film - family China trip ...
Street food tour in KaiFeng 开封, HeNan province
KaiFeng is one of China's eight ancient capitals and has a population and culture partly based on the Muslim Hui ethnic minority.
If I could fly – Joe Satriani – cover by YOYO
If I could fly - Joe Satriani - cover by YOYO (October 2020). Awesome ... Loving it ... Go, YoYo, Go ! ... Not the most technically challenging (YoYo level), but really has passion and feeling; a beautiful realisation of a beautiful song. We hear so much here, from Chris Rea to ZZ Top, Dire Straits to Gary Moore, to Jimmy Page; full of nuance; so great. The slides, timing and guitar tuning (balance of pure and grunge) all excellent; all made to look easy, which means the spirit if soaring ! Imagine - imagine the billion people across this planet who'd like to fly, if they had the chance. All the talent and all the dreams and all the love quashed, by those who clip our wings in the name of profit, or hegemony, or whatever ... Imagine no fear of poverty; no being taught to fear 'the other'. Just imagine - if we could all fly ... All of us. What a wonderful world that would be.
Autumn pomelos
A citrus fruit native to east asia that is related to the grapefruit. With DianXi XiaoGe ... Bonus film - the versatile Chinese onion ...
Discover FuJian 福建 province …
On the south east coast of China, with ZheJiang to the north and GuangDong to the south. In part, FuJian is famous for its tea and lychee fruit. The largest cities include FuZhou (the capital) and XiaMen. Hakka, a Han Chinese people but with their own distinct identity, live in the southern parts of the province. The Hakka are most associated with their unique TuLou - large, round, communal dwellings.
Around YangShuo 阳朔 and GuiLin 桂林, GuangXi province
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The 2010 Asian Games closing gala – best songs
A selection of beautiful performances from the 16th Asian Games held in GuangZhou, provincial capital of GuangDong ... Sing Sing So - Indonesia Mongolia Sakura - Japan Yue Guang Guang - China Kazakhstan Happy Journey Mongani by Gupta Tanya & Ravi Tripathi Sunshine Again
Planning war on China – update – 03 July 2023
With Brian Berletic ... With Johnny Harris ...

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