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Here is ShangHai 上海
Sweeping scenes ...
Walking the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China
Poetry and architecture
On a trip to Yunhe Terrace in Lishui, Zhejiang in 2016, mother fell in love with the beautiful views and fresh air there. Recalling that mother sold family house in hometown to raise money for his tuition to study abroad 16 years ago, Tian rent a 2-mu land 1030 meters above the sea level and built his mother a new house surrounded by mountains and clouds. The spare rooms are used to run a guesthouse. 2016年,建築師田景海帶著母親去浙江麗水的雲和梯田旅遊,母親愛上了這兒的好山好水好空氣。想起16年前母親為了籌措自己留學的學費,賣掉老家的房子,田景海便在麗水租下2畝地,在海拔1030米的雲海山間,為媽媽造了一個新宅,空餘房間則用來做民宿。 Ye Hui is a poet. He is passionate about the fate of people, and his poems have been selected many times in the "Chinese Annual Poetry". Meanwhile he is an architect, specializing in old building renovation. In 2014, Ye Hui bought a lakeview villa in Nanjing. Living in a house with 400-square-meter indoor area and an 800-square-meter courtyard, he spends most of his time in a 3-square-meter space. 葉輝是詩人,他的詩作飽含情感地關注著人的命運,多次入選《中國年度詩歌》,同時他也是一位建築師,擅長老建築改造。2014年,葉輝買下南京的一套湖景別墅,室內空間400㎡,內院800㎡,不過他最常待的工作空間,只有3㎡。
Song medley from the BTV Net Spring Festival Evening, BeiJing 北京
北京卫视网络春晚-雨花石+我的祖国+映山红- Beijing TV Net Spring Festival Evening, 2011. Bonus songs, from the Voice of China TV show ...
Keto diet and intermittent fasting – an awesome success story
Humans are not designed to eat sugar and refined carbohydrates (more sugar); the illnesses these cause (via insulin resistance) are many and the understanding of the link still not well known. With Dr. Eric Berg and Ghaida ...
FengHuang 凤凰, Pheonix Ancient Town
FengHuang, 凤凰古城, HuNan province, central China. 'Fenghuang', Chinese for 'Phoenix', the mythical bird of good omen and longevity that is consumed by fire only to rise again from the flames, is named after a legend that two of these fabulous birds flew over and found the town so beautiful that they hovered there, reluctant to leave. Step back in time, over a thousand years ...
A tour of the Forbidden City 紫禁城 (Palace Museum)
In central Beijing ...
FenJieZhou Island 分界洲, HaiNan province
South China
An introduction to 6,000 years of Chinese art
Illustrated by works from China at the Asian Art Museum of San Frascisco, one of the largest collections of Chinese art outside China.

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