Videos about religion, China

The Dao De Jing 道德經 (The Way / what is)

10,000 pearls of wisdom; when follow The Way, it is one pearl.

The truths found in the Tao Te Ching are universal and timeless. A book of wisdom written by a sage named Lao-Tzu / Lao Zi, circa 500 BC, China.

Read by the late Wayne Dyer ...

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The audio as well as the translation of the version you hear is from a book called Living The Wisdom of The Tao: Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer. His book includes a detailed commentary on each of the verses ...

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The imperative to escape the past (philosophy – the love of truth)

Jiddu Krishnamurti talks about how we are enslaved, and how to be free; clear sight, without prejudice, reveals the truth / what is - that is the true knowing / now.

"Distortion will inevitably come into being when there is fragmentation, when one part of you condones or condemns what you observe. We are the result of propaganda, what we have been told from childhood to believe and not to believe. Knowledge is the past; there is no knowledge in the present. To be aware without choice is to observe without the observer, which is the past, the image-maker."

BB says : truth begins when belief ends ...

[video v=tYjYL448-yY]

To be free, to be eternal, is to be here, right now, not chained to the past (baggage that blinds us), or forever focused on the future (in fear). This, is it.

Until we realise it, the past controls us - both own own experience (in those chains), and all that we have believed. The past gives rise to fear. Love is the absence of fear.

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This is it

An awakening ...

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With the new year on the doorstep, and resolutions on one's mind, BeijingBuzzz says to be yourself and not get caught up in the crowd - but, at the same time, be kind to others (and yourself) with understanding and an open heart and hand; for all of us, across the world, have the same basic dreams, and the beauty of life is partly in the variety in the expression of those hopes for a better future, and our various traditional cultures.

The time is always now - this is it.

Yet time is not always ours - everything is transient. While we are alive, we should live; with a mind free from the past and with eyes that see what is, without preconception.

Happy New Year 2017 to all our visitors !

Tune in for the firework displays shortly ...

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