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White radish 白萝卜 – growing, pickling and cooking
A mild-flavored winter radish usually characterized by fast-growing leaves and a long, white, napiform root. It is similar in appearance to fresh horseradish but packs a lighter peppery punch similar to watercress. Unlike other radishes, it is as good cooked as it is raw. A very beautiful film and culinary masterclass with LiZiQi 李子柒. Dishes include SiChuan pickles, NorthEast sauerkraut and several types of XianCai, salty side-dish, and SuanCai, sour cabbage, with spice and without. Similar to Korean kimchi - Korean is one of the 56 ethnic groups in China. Don't miss it ... Rimo Z : 0:23 Rapeseed flowers 2:50 White Radish 3:37 Carrot 4:31 Chinese Cabbage 6:03 Mustard, then dehydrate the vegetables 7:58 Smear chilli sauce 8:28 Sealed for 1 month 8:51 Pine leaves for smoking the meat (Bacon) 9:03 Orange or clementine 9:10 Pomelo on the tree 9:22 Start smoking the sausage and meat 9:30 Add the pomelo and orange peel to enrich the flavor 10:16 Add salt and chilli powder, start pickling the dehydrated radish and carrots 10:36 Dried fish 11:58 put the dried fish, sausage and meat (or bacon) for boiling before eating or further cooking, this step helps to clean the food and reduce the salt 12:47 stir fry with ginger and then start stewing with green onion and orange peel 13:34 Fermented pickle cabbage (non-spicy) 13:49 Fermented pickle cabbage (spicy) 14:06 Minced meat with oil, spice powder, green onions, soy sauce, ginger and 14:14 hot oil to increase the aroma 14:26 Chop the pickle Chinese cabbage 14:38 Mix the minced meat and pickled cabbage, start making dumplings 15:53 Cut the salted meat, stir fry with green onion and stew with the dried vegetables 15:52 Add spicy pickled cabbages 16:16 Add some hot oil on top of the pickle dishes to excite the fragrance 16:42 Cut the boiled sausage, salted meat etc. 17:49 Looks like rose tea 17:55 Just white congee 米老鼠 : Kimchi first appeared in the book of songs. It was interpreted as sauerkraut in China. Korean kimchi originated in the Tang Dynasty. Tang Dynasty general Xue Rengui was assigned to Korea (today's Korea) by the government to settle down in Korea. Many of his entourage were from Jiangbei County, Chongqing, who could make kimchi in his hometown. Since then, Chongqing kimchi has entered Korea. Several wars in Korea have brought this kind of dish into Korean civilian families. Kimchi went through several stages before it became the real Korean kimchi. The first stage is the Three Kingdoms period, when the pickled dishes or radish, cucumber, etc., introduced to South Korea after adding leeks and other fresh vegetables. In the second stage, in the Korean period, the production methods began to be enriched, and the raw materials were added to the base. The third stage is that cabbage has become the main raw material, which is what we eat now.
GuangZhou 广州 travel vlog
Provincial capital of GuangDong. GuangZhou, on the Pearl River about 120 kilometers (75 miles) north-northwest of Hong Kong, has a long history and was a major starting port for the Silk Road of the Sea. The city features avant-garde architecture such as the GuangZhou Opera House (also known as the Double Pebble), the carved, box-shaped GuangDong Museum, and the iconic, and unusually feminine, Canton TV Tower skyscraper, that resembles a slim hourglass.
The Li River 漓江 and GuiLin 桂林 night cruise
The Li River between YangShuo and GuiLin, plus the '2 rivers, 4 lakes GuiLin night cruise', GuangXi province ...
The BeijingBuzzz Mid-Summer Music Gala 2016, part 2
Prepare your Di San Xian 地三鮮 (stir fried potato, aubergine and green pepper) and / or MaPo DoFu 麻婆豆腐 (DoFu with minced pork in a SiChuan style spicy sauce) then sit back and enjoy our music selection ...
Something different – the wisdom of Mark Twain
The Putuo ZongCheng Temple 普陀宗乘之庙 in ChengDe 成德
The Putuo ZongCheng Temple in ChengDe, HeBei province, is a Qing dynasty Buddhist temple. The complex was constructed between 1767 and 1771 during the reign of emperor QianLong (1735–1796). It is located just north of the ChengDe Mountain Resort. Along with the equally famed Puning Temple, it is one of the Eight Outer Temples of ChengDe (a UNESCO World Heritage Site). The temple was modeled after the Potala Palace in Tibet. The temple complex covers a surface area of some 220,000 square meters, making it one of the largest in China. The Mountain Resort in ChengDe 避暑山庄 (BìShǔ ShānZhuāng literally means "Mountain Villa for Avoiding the Heat") was an imperial get-away. Built between 1703 and 1792 during the Qing dynasty, the vast Mountain Resort covers a total area of 5.6 square kilometers (2.2 square miles) and is surrounded by a mini 'Great Wall', which one can walk. It contains a variety of gardens, pagodas, temples and palaces representing the styles from various regions of China.
Boating at YinCui Gorge 荫翠峡, JiuXiang, YunNan province
There are also caverns to explore.
The ShangHai 上海 metro – video
Only begun in 1995, the Shanghai metro now has 12 lines with 268 stations over 420km. Already the world's longest metro system, by 2020 it will double in size to comprise 22 lines with a total length of 877 km.
QingHai Lake
With Walk East ...

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